• "Lessons Learned in Startups"

    The Conference

    In Hong Kong since 2014

  • What We Do

    How much do you really learn from a speaker from Silicon Valley giving a talk about how they got US$ 5 million?

    A unique event in Hong Kong since 2014 will teach you much more. Hear the errors that some of the most known HK startup people have made and what they learned from it. They will share their, personal, failures and mea culpa’s.


    Postmortem Conference

    a full day conference with 6-8 speakers about lessons learned in startups,
    by founders, investors, mentors and lawyers


    Postmortem Conference Salon 

    a short version conference with 2-3 speakers about lessons learned in startups,
    by founders, investors, mentors and lawyers


    Postmortem Conference Podcast 

    a podcast about lessons learned in startups,
    by founders, investors, mentors and lawyers

    Listen now here

    The real stories

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    Mea Culpa

    noun mea cul·pa \ ˌmā-ə-ˈku̇l-pə , ˌmā-ä- , -ˈku̇l-(ˌ)pä \

    A formal acknowledgment of personal fault or error, "through my fault" in Latin.

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    Heart-wrenching stories

    The real deal and nothing but

    Personal stories, sometimes heart-wrenching.

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    Group/panel discussions

    the speakers will also do a panel discussion with Q&A

    Participate as audience by asking questions during the panel sessions

  • Previous events

    10 juillet 2019 · Postmortem,Conference,Salon,2019
    17 octobre 2015 · Conference,Postmortem,2015
    30 juillet 2015 · Conference,Postmortem,2015,Salon
  • Schedule


    9:30 Sign in

    Welcome for all attendees


    10:00 Opening remarks

    Opening remarks by organizer


    10:15 First speaker

    To be announced speaker


    10:45 Second speaker

    To be announced speaker


    11:15 Break

    Coffee and tea break


    11:45 Third speaker

    To be announced speaker


    12:30 Fireside chat with morning speakers

    To be announced panel and moderator


    13:00 Lunch


    14:00 Forth speaker

    To be announced speaker


    14:30 Fifth speaker

    To be announced speaker


    15:00 Sixth speaker

    To be announced speaker


    15:30 Fireside chat with afternoon speakers

    To be announced panel and moderator


    16:30 Closing remarks and networking


    17:30 Event ending

  • Tickets

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    Due to the tightened rules on social distancing in Hong Kong announced on 9 July, we have to postpone the event on 11th July.

    Contact us if you have any questions.

    Did you know we also have a podcast? Subscribe now here